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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Twitter Chats!

Apparently I didn't save my Post correctly from the Blogger application on my
Phone.  I find a lot of times technology doesn't want to agree with my
When I'm out of town so here it goes again!

These past two weeks we have had to interact in a Twitter Chat session! I enjoyed my time in the few different Twitter Chats I joined.   I really wanted to try out the #catholicedchat but every time it said it was supposed to meet it didn't.  Being a Catholic Educator I was very mad the chat group never met!  

The next chat I participated in was the #mosnowchat and #moedchat.   These two chats were very interesting and I learned a lot from my fellow Missouri Educators while in both of these chats!  I still subscribe to the Twotter feed and make sure to reTweet posts which are valuable to other educators.  I liked how the chat was set up with five questions and time was given to answer the questions.  I learned about a few other resources from this chat session but since it was my first one I did kind of not chat a whole lot at the beginning but towards the end I enjoyed tweeting with my peers.  

I also tweeted in the #n2tc which was once again a total fail because no one was tweeting it in!  At first I thought I was joining in at the wrong time, but no one was apparently interested in this Twitter Chat for that morning.  I did try the chat again Saturday morning and once again no one so I didn't even bother writing it down.   

The next one was #Web20tools this chat only had about 4 people in it!  I feel like I gained a lot of resources, but nothing really helpful when there is only 4 people! I know not everyone tweets in the chat sessions but I also feel like people just rather tweet what they want and hashtag things instead of actually partaking in the chat sessions.   

The next Twitter chat I tired since I didn't feel the other really kinda qualified was the METC14 hash tagging!  I found so many really awesome resources, other people to follow and also I was retweeted a few different times!  It was an excellent experience. Which I enjoyed learning a lot from.

The next Twitter session was on #edcampstl!  This was a free technology workshop ans interactive chat!  This was the liveliest chat session I was in!  So many different resources were shared and the ideas were flying around for the whole hour plus I was in there.  I also got retweet in this chat too!

I will continue to use Twitter chats and follow the chats I belong too!  This was an excellent teacher resource and I enjoyed every minute of it!!


  1. have. I don't see any other content on this post about your reflections of the Twitter chats?

  2. Professor Hartman I'm sorry I apparently lost it some how! It's up and posted now though!
