There are tons of cool things Twitter can be used for besides sharing personal Tweets you can Tweet about movies or shows your watching, take pictures and hashtag them to locate other photos or similar posts. The possibilities are endless on what Twitter can be used for.
I found on a submission on 60 ways to use Twitter in the classroom. This post was submitted by Ian Jukes via TeachThought. I liked how there was categories to show how Twitter can be used in the different areas of the classroom. You can use it to send class announcements out to inform stud ets of what they need to bring to class. It can also be used as a summary tool to recap what was taught in class. Playing word games with others sending out clues about what the word could be. This next one I found to be funny but so true because we all have at least one the the classroom a blurter... This person can now Tweet the answer in and stop blurting out the answers... Now the others have time to answer.
One I didn't think of but thanks to this post you can use Twitter in conjunction with social studies class. A lot of public government officials have Twitter accounts and students can get real life updates about what is happening. It helps stay connected with different parts of the world.
Overall I have not had a bad experience with Twitter and would like to use it in a classroom in the future just not with a classroom as young as mine, until I can figure out a way to do so.