My Blog List

Sunday, February 23, 2014


During this MET Class we were to use different social media sites to create a PLN.  Some of the sites I have used before, but never used them for professional reasons just for pure fun. Pinterest is a site in which I have been using for a long time for personal and professional use.  I have started following a lot of differnt blogs from this site.  Blogger is another tool I like using and having as a PLN.  Google apps has some of the best interactive PLN tools. I love using Twitter now to grow my professional networks.  I have learned so many new things about different educational topics from other teachers on Twitter and also from Education Magazines. I have been using Diigo since I was introduced to it in my first MET class.  It houses all of the different educational articles and pictures I find while searching the internet. Feedly was a new tool I was exposed to in this class and I enjoy using it. It has so many different articles and blogs I follow which I am able to send directly to my Twitter account.  The thing I like most about the three tools I just mentioned is you are able to have the apps right on your phone.  The appearance is a little different, but the app works just as good as the computer version.  I am thankful for being given all these resources in this class and my other classes to use from here on out.  I have so many more Twitter followers who are educators then I ever thought I would have.  I am also following so many educators who have supplied me with a lot of knowledge these past few weeks.  It is so nice to have been informed about Twitter and Twitter Chats this class.  Due to these tools my PLN will only grow stronger and keep growing day by day.

Below you will find my Prezi I created on PLN's.


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